I write things. Anything that I like and whatever I want. And I post them here. ;) Please please please don't be a silent reader. xD

28 February 2011

System Corrupt.

I want to post more things here since I've wrote a LOT. However, sadly, the computer that I usually used had corrupt. Awwww, how sad is that? LOL.
And of course I have a copy of some of the essays in my thumb drive. But, sadly, yes, this time it's very sad, the file that I saved isn't compatible to open in any other Microsoft Words except the 2007 version. And I'm extremely upset. Aren't you?
Okay, done.

The Pink Bunny

The Pink Bunny
            She stared at the stuffed animal with her eyes widened. It’s a bunny. But it’s in pink. MinMin is a girl but pink is the only colour that she hates. It’s like she got some kind of allergy to that colour. There isn’t any of her clothes in the wardrobe that is pink.

            She focuses her gaze on that plushie that she could bore two holes on it with her eyes. The bunny is a present gave to her from her uncle. She got it that evening. It is almost as big as she is and it is cute. She doesn’t like the bunny but it’s not that she hates it. Even if she hates it, she can’t do anything because the pink stuffed toy is now in her room, on her bed. She let out a sigh.

            It has been half an hour since she started staring at the bunny. If only the bunny can talk, it would have scolded her for staring to it like that. She examined it like what a mother-in-law would do to her future-daughter-in-law.

            She touched the ears. Well, there are two of them, pink in colour, but the inner ear is in white and they’re also long. The ears are soft and the fur is silky. She likes the feeling of touching it.

            MinMin then sets her fox-like eyes on the bunny’s face. It is also in pink. The bunny got a pair of shining brown orbs. A small black nose is perfectly placed in between its eyes and mouth. The mouth is smiling to MinMin. Unconsciously, the corner s of her heart-shaped lips rises. The touched those chubby squooshy looking cheeks of the bunny and she liked it.

            The bunny got a white pink section on its belly. It’s soft and puffy. She held the bunny’s hands. They are fleecy and flocculent. She then moved to its feet. Although they’re in pink, they’re fury and fluffy. She suddenly feels like hugging it.

            She takes the plush toy and hugs it. She likes it. MinMin then cuddles, snuggles, and nestle the pink toy that she doesn’t like an hour ago.

            MinMin likes the stuffed toy now. No, actually, she loves it now and she’s very thankful to her uncle for giving her that plushie. She actually thinks that pink isn’t as bad as she thought. That night, MinMin gets a new friend and also a new favorite colour.

t/n : this was written in 2010.

The Curse of 13

The Curse of 13

            Thirteen is the natural number after number 12 and it comes before 14. Friday the 13th is considered as an unlucky day. The Friday 13th superstition started in the 19th century. Since then, the fear on number 13 started.

            Number 13 was then considered as a very unlucky number, which is the number of bad luck. I personally don’t think that way as I am a Muslim. There’s no such thing in our religion.

            In 2005, an entertainment company was brave enough to break the curse and make a group called Super Junior made their debut with 13 members, the number that people want to avoid the most.

            Opposite from the said-so curse, Super Junior is a triumphant group. The 13 multi-talented boys are able to expand their career all over Asia and even recognized worldwide.
            However, by releasing the 13-memberred group, the company was skating on thin ice. Things don’t always go exactly like we want. Despite their success, the group had encountered numerous difficulties and restrictions. Some of the members were involved in two accidents after their debut. In one of the accidents, the thirteenth member, who’s also the youngest in the group, faced a situation between life and death in 2007.

            The boy, Cho Kyuhyun who had just finished his high school as one of the best students in his school at that time could not even breathe with his own lungs. To stay alive, he must undergo the tracheal operation to take out the broken ribs that pierced his lungs. To everyone surprise, his father, the one that never agrees on him becoming a singer was against the operation. He knew that his son’s dream is to sing and if his one and only ability to fulfill his dream is gone, he had better been dead than living a meaningless life. The doctors figured out another way to save him while anti fans wanted him to be dead. With 80% of risks to be dead, Kyuhyun managed to break the curse of 13. The thirteenth member survived.

            The curse of 13 continued to hunt them when a problem occurs. One of the dancing machines in the group, Han Geng, the Chinese member of Super Junior, made a decision to back off from the group and go solo. The Chinese man was once facing a hard time because of performance restriction, as in Korea, only the nation’s citizen was allowed to perform on stage at that time. Not wanting to damage the group’s image, he decided to suffer and went on stage wearing a mask. The restriction was then lifted in 2008.

            Han Geng filed a lawsuit towards the company, SM Entertainment in 2009. It was said that SMe violated the human rights, not only to him but also the rest of the artists that worked under the company. The result is not yet revealed to the public. Although Han Geng had released a solo album, ‘Geng Xin’ without signing a contract with any other companies, he is still considered as a member of Super Junior but in an inactive member status.

            Although the storm was away, the day is still raining. Hoping that the rainbow will come out, the members and the fans were disappointed with the fact that another storm hit them again. Kangin was immersed in his anger and created a controversial situation. He was banned to go on stage for a year and cannot continue his activity as a Super Junior member and an entertainer. Just like that, another ‘inactive member’ status was turned on. It seems like the curse of 13 really do exist.

            The 13 boys also encountered an ample amount of challenges and all sorts of difficulties along their journey. Anti fans continued to bring them down. The curse of 13 maybe does really exist. However, they managed to face the curse with their strong brotherly bond.

            I have no any intentions to believe that 13 is an unlucky, cursed number nor trying to make you believe that. Super Junior’s accomplishment makes me think that they were all wrong and maybe 13 is not an unlucky number at all.

t/n : this was written in 2010.
p/s : Hangeng has won the lawsuit against SM which also means that the 'Super Junior member' status isn't his anymore and he is now an entertainer in China. He sings and also acts.Kangin is now in the army, trying to fix himself to be a better person.He will return in 2012. Some other Super Junior members are planning to enlist in the army to fulfil their duties towards the country. I wish the best for all of them.

The boy Named Ji Hoon

The boy Named Ji Hoon.
            A teenage boy, Ji Hoon used to question himself, why is he facing the kind of situation where his family had to starve, why is everything hard for him, why did the world turned its back to him. Numerous numbers of questions popped out on his head every day.

            His mom was sick, his father was facing bankruptcy, and all that he could do is just watching. As a teenage boy who can do nothing, he was determined to change the fate of his family; he wanted to help his parents and protect his little sister. Situation got worse and the helpless young boy tried everything he could do to help his family and to save his dying mother. He even worked at the construction site at such a young age. As a high schooler, he was not able to focus on his study.

            A ray of light seemed to lighten his way on 1998 when he was accepted as a member of a 6-membered boy band named FanClub. The light gets dimmer as the group didn’t get much response from the netizens as well as the people of South Korea. At that time, Koreans weren’t quite ready to accept the image of young cute teenagers singing and dancing on stage. The ray of light was completely vanished in the thin air when the group was then disbanded after releasing 2 full albums.

            However, young Ji Hoon still believed that his future is there. He continued working hard and set his goal to be a successful solo artist. He failed an ample amount of auditions before he finally met Jin Young Park, a triumphant singer, producer as well as the founder of JYPe Company. Ji Hoon knew that this would be a colossal turning point of his life. He was persistent to give all he can. Park turned the music on and asked him to dance. Ji Hoon danced his heart off until the music stopped and that was about four hours non-stop. After the tiring dance, they asked him to go home. He thought that he wouldn’t make it just like the other auditions. They always told him that he’s good but he didn’t pass all of the auditions due to his mono-eyelids and his typical-Asian-Korean look.

            A month passed without any news from JYPe. With his mother’s condition getting worse every day, Ji Hoon thought of giving up. Without proper medication, his mother lost the battle with her severe diabetes. At that time, he just gave up and decided to be a useless person. He was totally losing hope. He turned the house upside down with no one that could stop him. Not even his sister and his father. In his rampage, to his surprise, he found an account book along with a short hand-written note from his late mother under the bed. The quite amount of money is the money that his mother saved for him and his little sister for their future. She could just use the money to buy medicine for herself. Instead, she saved the money for her children. He will never ever forget his mother’s will for him to take care of his little sister. He promised to himself to change their lives and be someone that his mother will be proud of.

            In the same year, he was recruited as a trainee of JYPe Company. During his early trainee days, he was a backup dancer of other JYPe artists.  He was then trained separately from other trainees. After 2 years of suffering, facing some random challenges from Park Jin Young as well as his other seniors, not to mention, a quite amount of resistance, Jung Ji Hoon, finally was standing on his own feet on his very first solo stage with the title track of his first album, Bad Guy. He was there as Rain. A question was asked to JYP, ‘Why Rain?’, and he simply answered, ‘His small melancholic eyes shaped like rain drops and from now on, every time it is raining, people will remember him’.

            To his disappointment, 2002 was not a good year for a new artist to make a debut. Instead of focusing on new faces in the K-pop industry, people were more interested in the Football World Cup game. Early that year, they chose to cheer the football stars name rather than cheering on the new singers. The senior singers once again tried to bring his hopes down by telling him to forget his dream.

            Not wanting to give up, Ji Hoon once again went up the stage to promote his follow up track from the same album after the football fever is gone. Throwing aside the ‘Bad Guy’ image, he came with a fresh cute boy-ish image for ‘Instead of saying goodbye’, performing on stage with the big boxing gloves. Despite the weird concept of the song; sad lyrics with cheerful beat, he totally stole the heart of Koreans. He managed to prove it by being able to top the K-Chart within 2 weeks of promotion. By the end of the year, he swept all the newcomer awards from music programs in all TV stations in South Korea. His popularity raised up after a 20 seconds appearance with a weird but cool dance on a variety show called ‘Love Letter’.

            Due to the quite late success, he then released a second album entitled ‘How to avoid the Sun’ and started to promote the title track, ‘Ways to avoid the Sun’ in 2003. He came with a new suave image with his unique sunglasses dance. Before the album, he made his debut as an actor in a drama, ‘SangDoo, let’s go to school’ as a leading role. The drama rating was quite good.

            Ji Hoon continued his acting career in 2004. He starred in a popular drama called ‘Full House’. The drama was a big success that its copyright was sold to various countries including Malaysia. His performance in the drama won him The Best Actor Award in 2004. Just like the role he played in the drama, which is Lee Young-Jae, a big Asian star, his worldwide popularity kept rising. As his growing numbers of fans didn’t get enough of him in the drama, the release of his third album in 2004 was sold over a million copies in Asia. ‘It’s Raining’, the third album topped the chart in Japan, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia and of course his own country. The once helpless young boy had now taken all over the Asia.

            Seeing the king size response from the fans, the company decided to launch this boy’s first ever world tour in 2005. The ‘Rainy Day 2005 Global Tour’ was a major success as a record of 150,000 seats sold in 8 cities and the ‘sold-out’ sign was out after only 30 seconds going on sale.

            Rain’s ‘Clouds’ keep growing as he released his fourth album, ‘Rain’s World’ in 2006. In the same year, he acted in his first film, ‘I’m a Cyborg, but that’s okay’, a cute comedic film. The film was awarded the Alfred Bauer Award at the 57th Berlin International Film Festival.

            Another tour was launched in December 2006. The ‘Rain’s Coming’ global tour, as expected was also a big hit. The K-pop wave, to be exact, the ‘Rain’ wave had totally invaded the whole Asia. The tickets sales were expected to be over US$100 million. He made his debut in Japan in the same year, releasing another album, ‘Eternal Rain’. He was the first Korean ever to perform at the Tokyo Dome, the largest auditorium in Japan.

            2006 was indeed a lucky year for Jung Ji Hoon when he was mentioned in the Time Magazine in an article that named ‘100 Most Influential People Who Shape Our World’.

            The next year, he made it into ‘People's’ 2007 list of the "Most Beautiful People in the world”. Rain also topped the Time Magazine’s online poll by earning almost half a million votes from people all over the world and sent Stephen Colbert to the second place on the list.

            After earning so much honor and success, Ji Hoon made a decision to leave his ‘nest’, the JYPe. He flew away, found himself a comfortable place, and built a new ‘nest’ on his own. Park Jin Young, the man who raised his hands and bring Ji Hoon up, reluctantly accepted this situation and responded by saying, “..Instead of considering him as my younger brother, now I can only see him as another singer..”

            In his own company, JTune Entertainment, he managed to stand on his own and released his fifth Korean album entitled ‘Rainism’ other than releasing a new boy band named MblaQ. The ballad title track of his album, ‘Love Story’ was loved by his fans and even more loved is the single that he released right after that, ‘Rainism’. In Rainism, he was back to the ‘bad boy’ image but with a softer heart inside. In 2008, he also acted in his first Hollywood film, the Wachowski Brothers-directed, Speed Racer. With his not-so-good English, he can only smile and said “I’m so excited” every time the reporters asked how he feel.

            He got the leading role in his second Hollywood film, Ninja Assassin. Although the film was released in 2009, it took them almost a year to complete the preparation for the film. Rain undergo a hard hell-like training every day for 8 months only to get him the perfect body shape for portraying a real ninja. All his hard work was paid off when he the Biggest Badass Award at the 2010 MTV Movie Awards.

            In December 2009, he launched the first JTune Entertainment tour, ‘Legend of Rainism’ in Las Vegas, Nevada. The tour continued to several cities worldwide.

            Earlier this year, Rain released a special mini-album with the title, ‘Back to The Basic’. One of the tracks in the album, ‘Hip Song’ was listed in the Original Sound Track of the latest Jackie Chan’s movie, Karate Kid.

            From his debut in 2002 until now, Rain had starred in numerous numbers of Commercial Film. He also did the Pepsi Commercial along with Cristina Aguilera that is usually starred by only top stars such as Super Junior and 2AM.

            Jung Ji Hoon worked so hard to achieve what he get right now. He sticks to his motto, “Endless modest, endless endurance, endless effort”. When he’s asked why did he worked so hard, that he’s still in his twenties, he said that a person must do the best that he can in his live.

            The once helpless boy named Ji Hoon who hated how the world turned its back to him, is now Rain, the person that got the whole world under his spreaded wings.

            Rain Bi inspired me a lot. I wish if only I could get a little drop of his endurance, effort and spirit. Even with all the achievements, Rain is the Jung Ji Hoon that still unafraid to cry in front of the cameras, keep making silly jokes, brag at the right place and be humble where he should and most importantly, he still keeps his promise to his mother.

t/n : this was written in 2010.
p/s : Rain has now came back to his 'father'. the JYPe and his company, JTune Entertainment is now emerged with JYPe and JYP himself was elected as the CEO. Rain was not allowed to be involved in MblaQ's activities or promotions and planning anymore. Poor Rain. xD

p/p/s : btw, just wanna show that this baby boy never changed his face. xD

yeaaaaaars ago

26 February 2011

Full House

Full House

Full House is a drama produced in 2004. A quite old drama but it never gets old for me. This graphic-novel adapted drama is one of my first Korean dramas. The main reason I watched this is of course the main actor, Rain.

Han Ji-Eun is a naive writer who got swindled by her childhood friends. Her one and only wealth, the Full House was sold by her friends to an actor named Lee Young-Jae who is somehow got a problem related to her in some circumstance. To get her house back, she finds herself tied in a contract marriage with Lee Young-Jae, the current owner of Full House.

Lee Young-Jae, a famous Asian star is someone who never thinks before doing something and always ends up regretting his decisions. He’s a childish and selfish young man. However, he’s a person who I think have some kind of bipolar disorder since he always portrays a good husband image despite his character’s personality and the contract marriage. This young man is actually in love with his friend from his childhood days but could never get a hold of her since her heart is for someone else.

As Ji-Eun and Young-Jae live together, they begin to develop feelings for each other and started to rely on each of them. He loves to tease her and call her names. Sometimes it’s rude but most of the time I think it’s cute especially when he calls her ‘kko kko’. However, that girl named Kang Hye-Won who initially doesn’t accept Young-Jae’s heart, changed her mind after seeing Young-Jae’s marriage. Seriously, how can a person be very low-minded and cruel? The childish Young-Jae’s heart then starts to waver and soon starting to abandon his so-called wife. Everytime he’s trying to make Ji-Eun happy, Hye-Won is always there to ruin the mood. After his whole mood has become down, he’ll go home and that adorable Ji-Eun will cheer him up again. And believe me, it happens again and again. And yet he’s still blinded by his ‘first love’. Pft! First love, my foot!

Ji-Eun and Young-Jae’s married life is one of the most adorable things I’ve seen. They’ll have fun together then they’ll fight. After that she’ll go to her friend’s house. Then, somehow there’ll be something that’ll bring them back together and Young-Jae will end up picking her from somewhere with his sports car and take her home to Full House. It’s like some kind of cycle all along the drama. 

Toward the end, the drama gets very dramatic, some kind of love-war between the characters starts to become intense, and it’s no fun at all. Usually I’ll skip that part. And yes, I said ‘usually’ because I’ve seen this drama for like hundreds of time that I even know what dialogue will come out next but I never gets tired of it. Cool huh?

However, the drama quickly recovers when the very end episodes are all very sweet, cutesy, adorable, and marshmallow-like story. Young-Jae begins to realise that the person he actually loves is Han Ji-Eun but too bad for him; Ji-Eun already sets her eyes on another guy. Well, a real man got to fight until the end right? He makes plans to get Ji-Eun back. And seeing that selfish man trying so hard really makes me giggle and sometimes sends butterflies in my tummy. Young-Jae owns almost everything in his life. He can do 99% things by himself and that 1% can only be completed by Ji-Eun. At last, of course the hero will win right? Young-Jae finally got his Ji-Eun back and they lived happily ever after. Well, maybe not but let’s just pretend that they do. 

The scene that I love the most is the day after he confessed his true feeling towards his wife. He was okay along the night but the next day, he becomes very shy and embarrassed. The part where he covered his face with a blanket and smiled adorably really made me screamed my lungs out. Why? Like duh! A person with that kind of body build, that kind of charismatic personality and a little bit of princely disease acting all cute like that, he could even kill all the fan-girls all over the world with that kind of smile.

Full House is listed as the must-see drama and I agree 100% with that. This romantic comedy drama has give a lot of laughter to my life and it also tops my most favourite drama list.

Heaven’s Postman.

Heaven’s Postman.

     It’s a Korean movie. This movie is about a guy, Jaejoon in comma; his spirit walked around and work as a postman that post letters from living persons to their deceased loved ones. I’ve watched this movie halfway before but didn’t finish it because of the crappy video quality that’s uploaded online. Recently, I decided to watch it again from the start until the end after being convinced by my friend to watch it. 

     This heaven’s postman wasn’t really a postman. He took all the letters from an old red mailbox in the middle of a wide green field. Instead of delivering them to the ones that meant to be, he read each one of the letters and made plans to make the living persons believed that those who were dead have read the letter, just to make the livings feel better. One day, he met this girl, Hana who just lost her boyfriend and she didn’t seem to accept the fate. He offered her to work with him. She didn’t believe that he’s not a human. She refused at first but then agreed to it.

     They worked together everyday reading letters and making plans to make it look real as if the dead have read those letters. Sometimes they made plans to solve the problems between the dead and the living, I mean they made it look like the problems are solved.
As each days passed, they got closer with each other and Hana started to forget about his dead boyfriend until one day. They were on their way to collect those letters from the mailbox and met a woman with her son who’s sending a letter to her husband. It happened that the woman was Hana’s dead boyfriend’s wife. Hana told Jaejoon about her story and he comforted her. She told him how frustrated she was and how she knew from the start that her deceased boyfriend never cared about her and she just stayed by his side. Then he asked her to tell him her story more and to stay by his side.

     They continued they job and life. They work together, had fun together; playing, eating and drinking. They started to develop feelings for each other and with that, Hana started to forget about his boyfriend. She soon started to realise that Jaejoon was slowly disappearing from her eyes. At times, she couldn’t see him although he’s there. She tried to deny all the thoughts that came through her mind and made herself believe that Jaejoon is a human and not something that’s similar to a ghost like what he had told her before on their first meet. 

     Finally, the day came; Jaejoon completely disappeared from her eyes. Before that, Jaejoon told her that he’s not a human and he could only be seen by persons who longed their deceased loved ones. She had forgotten about her ex-boyfriend completely and that explained why she couldn’t see Jaejoon anymore. He heart was broken into pieces as each of her memories with him being erased. All the pictures of her with him changed, she could only see herself in those photos. All those left were just memories in her heart.
Jaejoon leaved her a letter. He told her everything about his life and how he became the Heaven’s Postman. He was actually a young wealthy businessperson. He, as a hot-blooded young man, thought that life was a game after all. And one day, the life that he thought a game, came to a pause. He was involved in a road accident and lost his consciousness. He was in comma for weeks and almost lose his breathe. The doctors decided to just let him go but one day, he came alive again. That’s when he completely disappeared from Hana’s eyes and had completed his tasks given by the heaven to him. They gave him a chance to live and gave his life back. Before he continued his journey as a living person he asked them whether he will remember those times with Hana and they said that all those will remain as his dreams in his comma. When he asked about Hana’s memory, they didn’t give an answer for that.

     The story then continued showing Hana’s life. She was working at a company. She went to the post office to send something. There, the clumsy self of her made all the files that she was holding fell to the floor and someone came to help her. That person was Jaejoon. She couldn’t believe herself and said that the person was a ghost. But he proved that he’s not when he talked to someone at the post office. They both were trying to hold themselves from saying something to each other. Then, he walked away. It took her a few seconds before she finally realised that he’s Jaejoon. She went after him. He asked her whether they’ve met before. Then he answered himself and said he had met her before in his dreams. That scene looked like a typical guy trying to flirt using the old-fashioned style. However it was indeed different. They started replying each other with places and things they’ve met together from the red mailbox, the green field, the light house until they end at the coffee shop, which was the last place they met each other. They ended it with a hug in the loud and busy post office.

     While the credits of the movie were running at the side of the screen, the movie was fast-forwarded in a small box at the other side of the screen. It showed their lives with Hana narrating the timeline. She told about Jaejoon, the once businessman is now a real postman. He’s happy by delivering letters although he had to always resist himself from reading those letters. While she’s working as illustrator at the company earlier. The story ended with a scene of them in a bus holding hands. She’s still narrating and she said if there’s any guy that said he met you in his dreams, maybe he is your destiny of life. 
The scene that I love the most as well as the most touching scene in this movie was the scene that she ran to him and searched for him but she couldn’t find him. Then the grass in front of her sunk a little as if someone’s stepping on it; Jaejoon. It was just right in front of her. He was there but she couldn’t see him.

     Personally, I think this story could have two endings; the real ending in the movie and the one that I thought. For me, it’s still okay if he died in the comma because if he died, she’ll miss him so much and she could still see him that way and in the end, they can still be together in the after world. It’s not that I prefer it that way since the real ending was much more better. It’s just my thought about it.
Anyways, this movie is one of the amazing movies I’ve ever watch; brushing aside the fact that DBSK’s Jaejoong starring in it. It’s not good enough to be in my awesomest list but it’s still okay for me.

t/n : this was written in 2010.

SungKyunKwan Scandal

Sungkyunkwan Scandal

     This 20 episodes of historical drama took place in Sungkyunkwan, the highest educational agency of the Joseon era. Sungkyunkwan University often previously featured in other historical dramas as the most prestigious academy at that dinasty but none of them ever focused on the Sungkyunkwan itself. This time, a production crew decided to produce a drama that took place fully in the Sungkyunkwan.

     At first, I hesitate to watch it and decided to watch the drama because of the main cast is Micky YooChun, a member of the legendary 2nd generation idol group, DBSK. As I watched it, my heart grew fonder towards this drama because of the interesting storyline and at last, I got completely addicted to it. Some of the scenes in this drama had made me literally rolling on the floor laughing or clapping hands while adoring and seriously, I got a lot to say about this amazing drama.

     Sungkyunkwan Scandal is a novel-inspired drama. This drama was different than other typical k-dramas, in my oppinion. Well, of course the main story is about the girl and the boy but the differences could be seen in the side stories where they reflected the politic world nowdays along with the wealthy and the poor in a country.

     This story is about YoonHee, whose father died because of his loyalty to the king, having a sick younger brother, living in a society where people still couldn't accept the facts that women could do other things too than staying at home cooking and taking care of the kids. She, who was trapped in the situation and could not stand doing nothing, decided to work using her brother's identity. With the amazing brain of hers, she could totally decieved everyone with her expertness in confucian and poetry and got herself a job at a bookstore. Involving herself in a syndicate helping the Joseon teenagers to cheat in the entrance exam, she found herself taking the exam using her brother's identity after meeting with an upright good-looking young man, Lee SeonJoon and being picked in by the king himself.

     Men and women were strictly divided socially during the Confucianist Joseon era and Sungkyunkwan was off limits to women. Kim YoonHee ventures into this all male institute. She will die if she is caught. She's not as slick as she thought. She needed to hide and there were those who wanted to unveil her secret. They chased after each other.

     However, this girl is protected by her three guardian angels; Lee SeonJoon, the arrogant genius, Moon JaeShin, the rebellious child who seeked for justice and Gu YongHa who did everything for fun. Starting from Gu YongHa, they all soon discovered that the woman-like 'Kim YunShik' was actually a female. They then developed the instinct to protect her and that's how she could survive. Just like the well-known F4, these four blooming flower-like 'boys' were adored by the gisaengs along with girls at that area. Surprisingly, they're always together facing all the challenges as Sungkyunkwan scholars despite their differences in political views; SeonJoon was a Noron(Noble), JaeShin was a Noron prentending to be a Soron, YoonHee was a Soron and Gu YongHa, a half noble. With that, they gained themselves a name, 'The Political Harmony Room 2' group.

     Just like the king's dream of the new Joseon; a country with political harmony, they then gained trust from the king himself to uncover the truth about Geum Deung Ji Sa, a missing will from the late king which was the reason Kim YoonHee's father and Moon JaeShin's brother were dead while protecting the will. The will that talked about building a new Joseon where everybody was the same and have the rights to do anything had openned YoonHee's eyes about how much her father wanted her to succeed that he's willing to be dead as long as his daughter could pursue her dreams in the dreamed new Joseon.

     And of course, there were some love scenes between YoonHee and SeonJoon. SeonJoon, who initially thought that he was a gay, was relieved when he discovered that the one that he loved, Kim YoonHee was actually a girl. He tried his best to protect her while they're still in Sungkyunkwan. It was a little late for SeonJoon and I felt bad for JaeShin, my favourite character who had protected her since her first week in and had some feelings towards her but YoonHee clearly showed her interest in SeonJoon in front of him.

     My favourite scenes in this drama were a lot. One of them was the scene where the girl prentending to be a boy pretended to be a girl. Well, I know it's kind of complicated but it's definitely interesting. She did that as a way to save Lee SeonJoon from the government guards and her dressing like a girl had made the almighty Lee SeonJoon stuttered and shivered his whole body. That totally cracked me up. Another one was after they confessed to each other their real feelings. It made me grinned from ear to ear like an idiot when the ultimate bookworm, Lee SeonJoon got all itchy to touch her hands and they end up studying all night while holding hands. 

     This drama had taught me about hope, love, trust and loyalty. It told me to not give up hope, to love myself before loving anyone, to be careful before giving full trust to someone and to be loyal to person that never leaves us.

     Lastly but importantly, this drama was indeed an amazing drama. I even decided to put it into my all-time favorite list along with other dramas that had left great impressions to myself.

t/n : this was written in 2010.