I write things. Anything that I like and whatever I want. And I post them here. ;) Please please please don't be a silent reader. xD

21 May 2011

Good Day.

Good Day.

video cr to ; kpopsubs

          It's such a good day. But not so good for this girl. She's liking that boy so much that she could even die. Well, maybe it's just a teenage crush. But that kind of crush are always the ones that crushes the heart.

          Thinking whether she should just confess or not, she got confused. She knew there're always consequences to everything that she'll do. But she can't help it since she's really really 'in-like'. Somebody gotta help her fast. 

          Finally, she confessed her heart out. However, that action had broken her heart into pieces. She had took the wrong step. The boy didn't like her back. He didn't accept her heart. Ouh, fail. And as a little girl, that hurts her really much.

Tears fill my eyes so I look up.
I smile slightly so they won't fall down.
Why are you like this to me?
What are you saying?
Everything that i said today..towards the sky.
Words I couldn't say again,
Words I didn't know I'd say as I cried,
I like you oppa,
What can I do?

          Being rejected had made her heart bleed. But what hurts more is his reaction towards her confession. It's okay if he won't accept. But it's not okay when he started throwing assumptions and questions.

Don't look at me like this and say those sad words
That I'm immature, that I'm dull,
I can't believe it.

         He should've walked away nicely instead of hurting her more. He should've understand. He shouldn't have made her cry.

My tears are flowing but I smile brightly.
I stand in front of you and just laugh loudly.
Why am I like this? Don't I have any shame?
I fold my pride and send it towards the sky.
Words I couldn't say again,
Those words I won't be able to say again,
I like you oppa,
What can I do?

          She's deeply scarred. She's crying so hard but still, she's smiling brightly like she always do. She even laughed loudly. Poor her. Trying to hide her feelings but her tears aren't helping her. And at that moment, she knew that it would be the first and the last time that she could say those words to him. How she wish it would've been better since the day is so good. Such a good day...

20 May 2011



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          Just a short entry from me. Yes, the title is pretty. No, I'm not saying that I'm pretty. Well, kind of. LOL. So lame. xD

          So, this past 3 weeks, so many things happen to my face. O.O Why so many? God, why?! *teary eyes*. Okay, so not dramatic. SO like, the first and second week, surprisingly, there's no acne or pimple or zits or 'pemanis muka' whatsoever you call it on my face. Very surprising right?! So, I was quite happy. And happy and happy. xD And tried to erase the existing polka-dot-like scars on my face. 

          Well, before it could work, we faced an exam. The mid-year exam. I wasn't really stressed out. But guessed what? Something really cute and 'pretty' started to grow on my face. Mommy!!! Nooo!!! Please let me enjoy this time of life where my face is clear. But yeah, God knows everything best and so, pimples started to appear again. Until this day, the pimple really do love me. (T.T).

17 May 2011

English Debate.

English Debate.

          Tehee! Been so busy with school and exam, didn't even have time to write to you. (a/n ; lol, sounds so weird). Soooooooooooooooooo, like, last two weeks, we participated in the English Parliamentary Style Debate. Woohoo!~ *confetti toss*. A quite great 'achievement' in my life. LOL. (a/n; soooo not...). Wanna hear the story? You don't want to? I don't care, I'm still gonna write it anyway. xD

          I'm actually quite lazy to write this. But yeah, let's just continue. So, we were the chosen ones to participate in the English Parliamentary Style Debate the District level. We weren't fully prepared as the teacher said that we're going there JUST, ONLY to have FUN. So, yeah, there we went, having 'fun'.

          In the first round, it was SMBM vs SMKM, yes, SMK Muhibbah. I didn't feel really nervous at that time actually. Well, of course, there's a little bit of small butterflies in my tummy but not like 'dead nervous'. And my confidence level was high even though we didn't have our 'trump cards' at that moment. Who's the trump card? I'll reveal them to you later. So, on the first round, we were on the Government side and did really well with Aqilla as the PM, me as the Deputy and Kak Syahmi or Kak Amy as Abang Sofwan called her, as the third minister. We we're fairly confident as we're quite prepared for the motion which was, 'Reading fiction is more enjoyable than watching films'. We gave them all we had. Confidently throwing POIs and confidently answering all the POIs given to us. We were having fun actually. And We also did a great job rebutting their points and highlighting their flaws along the debate. Not to be hateful, we were just enjoying ourselves there. And me, as clumsy as I am, made a few laughable mistakes there.Well, it's my first experience remember? No need to blame me. lol. And so, we won the first round. With that, we have to go the next round, which was the quarter final round.

          And we, being not prepared for the next motion, had to immediately go to the next round. So like, WTF?! Why aren't we prepared? It's because our teacher said that we went there JUST, ONLY to have FUN. And starting from that, everyone got stressed. We tried to seek for help from almost everyone. And again, I was disappointed with my family. Well, let's just for get about that. We also looked for our 'secret cards' who were currently in the Malay Parliamentary Style Debate but found none. Luckily, the debate team that we beat earlier helped us by giving a few points for the PM. Really good people they are. :) Our teacher and the other team members asked me whether I wanna continue or just to back off just like some other teams who withdrew. Hey you people! Never step back before you even start okay~! So me, who had a lower self-confidence this time, along with the team, who had some trembling points, went to the debate hall. 

          While waiting with thumping hearts, suddenly, the superhero and the side kick came to the rescue! Oh yeah! *fireworks*. Such a bless and mercy from god. Me who were drowning with tears and fear earlier smiled so big and felt just like hugging those two live savers. xD Who are they? Introducing, *drumroll* the heroes of the day; *drumroll* Abang Salam and Kak Amalina! Woohooo!~ *big applause* They took the places as the PM and the third minister and Aqilla with Kak Syahmi be the fourth and fifth minister. With their presence, my confidence level immediately rose. I know, we could do this! So the round started. We were a little bit shaky at first but soon got our rhythm and started to improve. I did worse than the first round but I know it was pretty good. Our points weren't really concrete but the presence of Abang Salam, as the third speaker, brought everything back together in place and make our team fully secured to the maximum level. We didn't threw as much POIs but we accepted the POIs wisely. Kak Amalina kept laughing and Abang Salam kept saying 'If we lose, it's your fault' to me in a spooky way, as if they knew that we're going to win. And uh, our opponent was the team from STMAA. The obvious flaw from them was the use of personal informations and that had brought advantages to us. Whew! Thank God. And so, the motion, 'Parents play an important role in enhancing 1Malaysia vision' was accepted. 

          We head to the canteen and started to discuss things. At that time, the tension started to decrease. And everyone was trying to prepare for the next round. Abang Salam said to me that big girls do not cry. Then he made fun of me saying that I'm not a big girl, I'm a kid because I drank 'Dutch Lady Kid' chocolate milk.

          Then, we had to prepare for the next level which was the semi-final level. This time, our opponent was quite strong, the SMKRPK and we're the opposition team. God, do help us. This time, me and Abang Salam was confident enough but Kak Amalina wasn't in a good state of health. And her emotion and motivation was totally down. Aqilla was proposed to replace her but she refused. The motion was pretty hard and again, we weren't prepared. I really think that or biggest mistake that day was we were not prepared. And so, we, who were not prepared, walked into the hall with just hope as our backbone. The thing that made it worse was, I didn't even understand the 'inclination' of the motion, 'Nationalism should be made compulsory in our education system' and how could I oppose in this state? However, we got started and we did bad. Well, at least I did really bad. The government and the opposition team didn't even understand what each of us trying to imply. And that's the worst case scenario. We were clueless. Abang Salam, as always, tried to bring everything back on the track but failed. Even worse, we were attacked back by the Government team using the points and examples given by Abang Salam. We were dead meat. And yes, we lose.

          However, it was a quite impressive achievement for newbies like us, well except Abang Salam, to go this far on the first try. Come one, it's the semi-final. Can you just snatch any kid in the school and send them to the competition to go this far? I don't think so. Okay. *sorry*. And so, we were determined to go further next year and InsyaAllah, we won't make the same mistake. 2012, wait for us, we're NOT JUST going to have FUN. To the future!! Okay, so lame. Sorry. Thank you for reading. :)