I write things. Anything that I like and whatever I want. And I post them here. ;) Please please please don't be a silent reader. xD

20 November 2011


          He took care of him when he's sick. He was there the whole time never leaving him alone. He gave all the things he want. He cared for him like a little child. He never ever complained. He wiped his body with the cold yaasin water. Hoping that the sakaraatul maut would be less harsh to him. He kept reminding him to be tough. And not to stop saying the kalimah. He smiled to everybody who came to visit. He smiled to me and my little brother who're already crying at the corner. He recited the yaasin praying that the process of him 'going back' would be less painful. He whispered the kalimah syahaadah to his ears nonstop. He smiled when the doctor said that there's no more hope. He nodded his head with a calm face. He saw the last two breaths. He saw it when there were water vapor in the second last breath. And he saw it when there's only air came out. Cold, no heat. He saw the last moments. But he still managed to go home with a smile. He still had the strength to greet everyone. He managed to control his feelings. But the next morning, before the jenazah left home. He just can't keep it anymore. At last, the strong him cried. The tears fell non-stop. With the red eyes and face, he still managed to ask forgiveness for him from everyone who came. He asked them to pray for the best for the late him. And he said all that with a smile. I couldn't hold my tears any longer and they fell for the nth time that day. I've been crying from the day before. And seeing the strong him crying like that, it just broke my heart. After the burial. He sat there. With his two sons. And me, his daughter. He smiled. And then, his tears fell again. He loves him. And the tears he held for such a long time fell that day just because.. He is a son. 

May allah bless his soul in peace. My late Tok. Amin.

13 November 2011

Other ways to use your moisturizer.

Other ways to use your moisturizer.

         So yeah, I bought a Hada Labo moisturizer back while ago. It's called the Moisturizing Milk. I bought it along with the lotion. The lotion was okay for me but the milk had made little red blotches appear on my skin. They're itching and when I scratch it, I will have small cuts in my face. And believe me, it hurts. And it left me hyper pigmentation as well. I have been stopped using it but it's quite sad since I've spent a quite amount of money on that product. So I tried to figure out a way to still use it.

         Sometimes ago, Michelle Phan did a tutorial on doing DIY cotton mask. I was inspired to use the moisturizing milk that way but the consistency of the milk is too thick and the cotton pads available here is too thick and not stretchable as well. So, I figured out a way.

         What you'll need are a regular moisturizer, a kitchen towel, a small bowl, a pair of scissor and of course a little bit of water. First, mix 3 to 5 drops of your moisturizer with a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitle bit of watter in a small bowl. Then, take a kitchen towel, also known as paper towel, cut it to your face size. Cut 4 holes for your eyes, mouth and nose. It doesnt have to be perfect. Just cut it roughly. Then, soak the paper towel into the mixture of moisturizer. let the excess drip down before applying it to your face. Adjust the mask so it sits properly on your skin. Then, take the excess mixture and pat it onto the mask. Chill yourself for 10 minutes then take it off. Tadaaaa~ a soft and bouncy hydrated skin. xD 

         Goodluck! :)