I write things. Anything that I like and whatever I want. And I post them here. ;) Please please please don't be a silent reader. xD

22 September 2011

Without you.

Without you.

            I had once asked her, “Min, how does it feel to be the cloud?” She just smiled and shrugged her shoulder. That night, I fell asleep with those thoughts in my head.

            All of a sudden, it turned bright. My body felt so light. I looked around myself; I was floating in the air. I was floating above my house, the city, the road, the river and everything. The view was indescribable. It was the first time for me to see a scenery that as fantastic as that. I filled my lungs with the fresh air. I felt free. I went up higher and higher as the wind blew me up.

            Soon, I reached a place where there’s thousands, millions and trillions of them who were the same as me. I said hi to them. They seemed so nice. They came from all over the place. Some of them were from the ocean and some were from the rivers. There were also some of them came from the ground. It felt very nice to be up here with them. We talked, sang, and played. Sometimes the planes that passed through us break us apart. Then we forgathered again. It happened just like that.

            As time goes by, we became bigger. We arrived at a place. It was dark, there’s lightning, thunder and bolt almost everywhere. I felt worried but they said it was okay. It’ll be fine just like riding the rollercoaster. The intensity grew higher and at last, we came down, so hard and fast and it felt so refreshing.

            However, I didn’t have the luck. After the tough ride down to earth, I landed harshly on the concrete floor splitting my body to several tiny droplets. I wasn’t worried as I knew I would be one again soon. I looked up to the sky, waiting for the Sun to say hello so that I would rise up again.

            To my surprise, I saw something up there. It’s multicoloured and there’s no words to describe the beauty of it. I was stunned. I knew that it was the rainbow but this is my very first time to look up at it and appreciate its beauty like what I did that time. God’s creations were always more than perfect.

            Soon, I felt my body became lighter, again. I floated up to the sky. I was so happy that I could see the breath-taking view again. I thanked God for all his creation. I was delighted until I realised that something wasn’t complete here. The one that’s always completed me was not there by my side. I felt very bad. I hated myself for thinking about being a cloud. I felt so sad that I almost cried.

            I rose up higher and higher, more than the place that I used to gather with other water vapours like me. I got a little more higher and I opened my eyes. I could see Min by my side. She looked so peaceful in her sleep. Yes, she’s the one that I need. I didn’t need to be something else to be happy. I had her by my side and I just have to be me.

            I smiled to myself and looked out the window. Although the fog at dawn blocked my view, I could still see the clouds out there. I whispered to myself how thankful I am to God for creating me as a human being.

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