I write things. Anything that I like and whatever I want. And I post them here. ;) Please please please don't be a silent reader. xD

20 November 2011


          He took care of him when he's sick. He was there the whole time never leaving him alone. He gave all the things he want. He cared for him like a little child. He never ever complained. He wiped his body with the cold yaasin water. Hoping that the sakaraatul maut would be less harsh to him. He kept reminding him to be tough. And not to stop saying the kalimah. He smiled to everybody who came to visit. He smiled to me and my little brother who're already crying at the corner. He recited the yaasin praying that the process of him 'going back' would be less painful. He whispered the kalimah syahaadah to his ears nonstop. He smiled when the doctor said that there's no more hope. He nodded his head with a calm face. He saw the last two breaths. He saw it when there were water vapor in the second last breath. And he saw it when there's only air came out. Cold, no heat. He saw the last moments. But he still managed to go home with a smile. He still had the strength to greet everyone. He managed to control his feelings. But the next morning, before the jenazah left home. He just can't keep it anymore. At last, the strong him cried. The tears fell non-stop. With the red eyes and face, he still managed to ask forgiveness for him from everyone who came. He asked them to pray for the best for the late him. And he said all that with a smile. I couldn't hold my tears any longer and they fell for the nth time that day. I've been crying from the day before. And seeing the strong him crying like that, it just broke my heart. After the burial. He sat there. With his two sons. And me, his daughter. He smiled. And then, his tears fell again. He loves him. And the tears he held for such a long time fell that day just because.. He is a son. 

May allah bless his soul in peace. My late Tok. Amin.

13 November 2011

Other ways to use your moisturizer.

Other ways to use your moisturizer.

         So yeah, I bought a Hada Labo moisturizer back while ago. It's called the Moisturizing Milk. I bought it along with the lotion. The lotion was okay for me but the milk had made little red blotches appear on my skin. They're itching and when I scratch it, I will have small cuts in my face. And believe me, it hurts. And it left me hyper pigmentation as well. I have been stopped using it but it's quite sad since I've spent a quite amount of money on that product. So I tried to figure out a way to still use it.

         Sometimes ago, Michelle Phan did a tutorial on doing DIY cotton mask. I was inspired to use the moisturizing milk that way but the consistency of the milk is too thick and the cotton pads available here is too thick and not stretchable as well. So, I figured out a way.

         What you'll need are a regular moisturizer, a kitchen towel, a small bowl, a pair of scissor and of course a little bit of water. First, mix 3 to 5 drops of your moisturizer with a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitle bit of watter in a small bowl. Then, take a kitchen towel, also known as paper towel, cut it to your face size. Cut 4 holes for your eyes, mouth and nose. It doesnt have to be perfect. Just cut it roughly. Then, soak the paper towel into the mixture of moisturizer. let the excess drip down before applying it to your face. Adjust the mask so it sits properly on your skin. Then, take the excess mixture and pat it onto the mask. Chill yourself for 10 minutes then take it off. Tadaaaa~ a soft and bouncy hydrated skin. xD 

         Goodluck! :)

22 September 2011

The Super Girls.

The Super Girls.

            That day was just another tiring school day for me. It’s such a long day. Not to mention the homework that were piling up waiting for me to have it done. I let out a sigh. It was just a layer of tiredness on my multi-layered cake of exhaustion. I walked lazily when suddenly someone covered my head and everything just turned black.

            I woke up in an unknown room. Four women sat on the bed. There’s a woman standing by the window and another woman sat on a chair beside the bed. The six of them rushed to me when one of them mentioned that I have woke up. A friendly looking person smiled at me. She’s quite tall and her skin was a little bit tan. She then held my hand and asked me if I was okay. Two women with cat like eyes and fair skin smiled warmly at me and told me that I don’t have to be afraid. They looked so alike and I assumed that they’re twins or maybe blood sisters. The person that was standing by the window just now gave me a glass of milk. That woman with Caucasian look gave me a smile. I was hesitant to drink it at first but their warm smiles just melted those feelings away. The other two women just sat by the bed. They both looked like Asian with fair skin. Maybe they’re Japanese or Chinese.

            That night, I had dinner with them. I was really anxious about what is really happening. Suddenly I realise something; my family must be dead worried about me. How could I inform them that these six women saved me? While I was still worrying about that, they came and sat with me in the living room. They started to introduce themselves properly. The woman that’s a little bit tan was Tun Fatimah. The two who looked alike were Trung Trac and Trung Nhi. Just like what I thought, although I was wrong on the twin part, they’re biological sisters. Others called them the Trung Sisters. The Caucasian woman was Joan of Arc. She surely smiled a lot since she never stops smiling since I first saw her. The Chinese like woman was Hua Mulan, and to be exact, she’s truly Chinese. The last one was Hangaku Gozen. She’s Japanese and she’s quite a cold person. She just kept her straight face but I could still fell the warmth through her eyes.

            I got a lot of questions to ask them and so I took that chance to ask them. The first one was the reason I was there. They said that there’s a dark clan consists of nine vampires that feed on human blood called ‘The Black Soshi’ that’s turning weaker day by day and they needed my blood to make them stay strong. They’re the ones who tried to catch me that evening but luckily these six women that had been watching over The Black Soshi’s activities; killing humans for years was there to save me and took me to their house. I was taken aback by what they had told me. Suddenly I felt so scared and started crying. Mulan quickly took my hand and calmed myself down. She told me that as long as they’re by my side, no one could harm me. But Why me? Joan stated that my blood was special; it was different from other humans or creatures. She also added that humans with this kind of blood only exist once in 999 years. The Black Soshi had been yearning for my type of blood for such a long time.

            After that, I asked them why they are staying together. They’re from different countries and races and also religion. They just shook their head and smiled. Fatimah told me that the fate brought them together. I nodded my head and had a little conversation with them before I went to sleep.

            It had been two weeks since I had live with them. They treated me so well that I felt homey there. I was never allowed to go out. Even in the house, there was always one of them accompanying me. However, that evening I was so eager to go out. I wanted to feel the evening breeze. They forbid me to do so but I stubbornly sneaked out.

            I walked quite far from home. I just realised that the house was placed in the middle of a forest. It felt so good to go out. I walked a little deeper and arrived at quite a shady place. No sunshine at all. All of a sudden, a blonde girl popped out unexpectedly. She’s wearing black and her skin was so pale. She smiled at me but it felt so cold and insincere. She came close to me and I started to feel afraid. She called my name and told me that she’s Jessica.

            Suddenly her black eyes turned red and fangs appeared in her mouth. She pushed me hard to a tree and locked me with her hands. She moved her head closer to my neck and that made me realised that she’s one of The Black Soshi. I could feel her breath on my skin and I knew that my death was getting near. Oh god, please forgive all my sins. I felt her fangs brushing onto my skin. I closed my eyes and suddenly the grip on my hands loosened. I opened my eyes slowly and found a body covered with dark coloured blood lying in front of me. In addition, the dead body got no head. Then I saw Hangaku standing there with a long samurai sword in her hands and a head with blonde hair beside her. Her eyes filled with anger. She looked up and turned to me. Suddenly the gaze turned into a gaze that’s full of warmth. “Let’s go home,” she said and took my hand.

            Those women were so worried with what happened. The incident that happened this evening just proved that the vampires were still looking for me. With determined voice, Mulan suddenly said that the time had arrived for them to made the Black Soshi vanished from this world before they kill more innocent persons. The other five agreed to her while I just sat quietly at the corner of the room.

            The next day, the women was ready in their fighting attire. Tun Fatimah wore a pair of blue attire with a piece of cloth tied on her waist. Another piece of cloth was tied on her head. For me, she looked exactly like a Classical Malay warrior like in those black and white movies. She inserted a ‘Keris’ at her waist. The Trung sisters wore a traditional Vietnamese warrior attire complete with their weapons. Joan of Arc had a sword in her hands and she’s wearing a hard metal outfit. Her eyes were burning with courage. Then Hua Mulan came out of her room wearing green attire with a shining sword in her right hand and a bow in her left hand. Hangaku Gozen wore samurai attire and she inserted her long Japanese sword in its case that’s hanging on her waist. They looked so persistent to face The Black Soshi.

            We walked deep into the forest and arrived in front of a cave. Suddenly a loud echo of laughter was heard. A small-figured girl walked out of the cave with other seven girls following her. The one that was laughing was The Black Soshi’s leader. She’s pale just like seven others, her eyes were black, and they all wore black outfits. She got two small diamonds at the corner of her eyes. She focused her gaze on Tun Fatimah and started speaking. “One of you killed our Jessica,” She paused for a while and continued, “... as a reprisal, give us that girl...!” She said and pointed her finger at me. I was completely frozen. The pressure was gradually rising. Mulan who was beside me smirked and said, “not even in your dreams...”

            Mulan shot an arrow and it landed on Soehyun’s chest. She smirked and pulled it out roughly. Then the war started. I was so scared. They asked me to stay aside and didn’t ever allow anyone to come near me. I could see Hangaku swaying her sword with her eyes full of hatred. The Trung sisters were fighting without a pinch of fear. Slowly, one by one died in the six women’s hands. The war continued until night arrived. Joan was badly injured but she still persistently swaying her sword. I could see blood dripping from Fatimah’s face but she was still in the spirit to fight those vampires.

            The last one standing was Yoona. Even their leader was already dead. She focused her gaze at me and swayed her left hand allowing some bullet-like things came out from her nails towards my body. I could feel those black things sinking in my neck. I heard screams from the women and suddenly everything turned white.

            I opened my eyes and found myself on a white bed in a white room. My mother cried happy tears when she saw me gaining my consciousness back. I asked her about what happened. She told me that a car knocked me when I was walking home from school. I wasn’t badly injured but I lost my consciousness due to the impact of the hit. I had been lying on the bed for five days. I smiled upon hearing that.

            I moved my hands to my neck and I felt it; the scars on my neck. I wasn’t here for five days but only myself knew where I went to and it wasn’t for just five days, it was two awesome weeks with the legendary female warriors in history. I carved a smile on my lips. I would never forget about what happened. They were my Super Girls.

Tun Fatimah–Malaysian Heroine. Daughter to the Malaccan Bendahara in 16th century.
Trung Sisters-Hai Ba Trung. 1st century Vietnamese women leader.
Joan of Arc-National Heroine of France. Led the French army to several important victories.
Hua Mulan-Chinese Heroine who joined the all-male army.
Hangaku Gozen-Female samurai warrior. Daughter of the Jo warrior family, the Taira Clan.

The Wingless Angel.

The Wingless Angel.

  In my life, there is a wingless angel sent by god. She’s the one that brought me to this world. She is the one that taught me the meaning of love.

            Every morning, she wakes me up so that I can go to school. She prepares the breakfast before getting herself ready to go to work. She then sends me to school. When it’s time to go home, I can see her waiting me by the gate. She picks me up and takes me home. After that, she sends my little brother to his religious class and picks him up when it’s time. At home, she cooks, cleans, and prepare for our school for tomorrow and other things that moms usually do. The very next day, she continues the tiring routine. At weekends, she goes to the market to buy things or sends my brother to his classes. She does that every single day, week and months. Sometimes I wonder, doesn’t she get bored with that?

           However, from what I can see, she’s not bored with that, not at all. Because she’s a mother. A mother will never be tired of being a mother.

            My mother is like an angel for me. Her heart is even prettier than an angel is. Every time I’m in need, she is always there. When I said always, I really mean it. When I’m sick, she’s the one who takes care of me. Even by looking at her, I can feel her love for her children.

            Although she often annoys me with her nagging or scolding at my wrong doings, my mother is always the one that I love the most. She does that because she knows exactly what’s best for me. She is the Wingless Angel descends from heaven that’s always there to catch me whenever I’m falling or tripping.

            She has given everything to me. I hope that I can do the same to her too. Protecting her forever even with my weak self. I wish I could always be by her side, caring for her and loving her with all my heart. Even if the world ends, I will always love her like a timeless ticking clock that never stops.

The Best Gift

The Best Gift

            That lonely boy sat on the couch in the living room with a laptop on his lap and a PSP along with a Nintendo DS by his side. He ignored his eldest brother, Li Te’s yell asking him to turn off the TV, as he wasn’t even watching it instead he kept his focus on the StarCraft game.

            Kui Xian, he’s a nineteen years old boy and he’s also a pro-gamer. The reason he played games was that he’s lonely. He had been an unaccompanied boy for four years already. It’s not that he didn’t have anyone around him. He got his brothers by his side but he always felt that empty space in his heart. The empty spot that no one else can fill except a person named ‘friend’.

            He once has had a friend, Cheng Min. He was his best mate ever since they’re in kindergarten. Kui Xian was a shy boy and Cheng Min was the first person that extended his hand to be friend with this boy. The latter enjoyed playing piano and guitar. He also had a black belt in taekwondo. They grew up together; they play and fight, just as other boys do.

            After ten years of tears and laughter, Cheng Min came to him and said goodbye with a bland smile carved on his lips. Although it was a ‘Goodbye’, for Kui Xian, it was not good, not at all. He tried to forget about him and he decided to immerse himself into games. For him, games are thousand times better than real life. There were always a ‘Game Over’ but after the game was over, there will be a ‘Try Again’ button. For years, he isolated himself from other people and his only companies were his family and of course, the games.

            As time passed, he managed to recover with a bandage over his heart. He didn’t want the scar to bleed again so he always made his heart believe that friends come and go; old memories could always be painted over by new ones.

            Kui Xian went to a store on the Christmas Eve to buy something for his beloved brothers. Although he kept ignoring them, only he himself knew how much he loved his brothers. He passed a shop that sell gadgets and something had caught his eyes. He went in, at first, to look at the game consoles but then he saw a boy who was looking at the game consoles. He was standing there, maybe thinking about which one he should buy. Kui Xian felt like he knew this person. He focused his gaze and suddenly the boy turned to him. The pair of shining brown orbs was staring straight to him.

            The corners of that boy’s lips were rising slowly and his eyes were filling with tears. Smiles were formed on both of their faces. He was definitely sure that the boy was his long lost best-est friend. He was certain that the boy is Cheng Min. His whole body and brain also agreed to that. They were staring at each other, silently. All of a sudden, his brothers popped from nowhere and wished ‘Merry Christmas, little baby!’ to him. He was completely tongue-tied.

            That night, Kui Xian spent the Christmas Eve gaming, again. However, that time, it was different, he spent that night gaming with Cheng Min, the one that he missed the most, the one that he hated the most for leaving him, the one that longed a lot, and the only friend that he loved a whole bunch. For Kui Xian, that was the best present he ever got for Christmas in his entire life. 

Without you.

Without you.

            I had once asked her, “Min, how does it feel to be the cloud?” She just smiled and shrugged her shoulder. That night, I fell asleep with those thoughts in my head.

            All of a sudden, it turned bright. My body felt so light. I looked around myself; I was floating in the air. I was floating above my house, the city, the road, the river and everything. The view was indescribable. It was the first time for me to see a scenery that as fantastic as that. I filled my lungs with the fresh air. I felt free. I went up higher and higher as the wind blew me up.

            Soon, I reached a place where there’s thousands, millions and trillions of them who were the same as me. I said hi to them. They seemed so nice. They came from all over the place. Some of them were from the ocean and some were from the rivers. There were also some of them came from the ground. It felt very nice to be up here with them. We talked, sang, and played. Sometimes the planes that passed through us break us apart. Then we forgathered again. It happened just like that.

            As time goes by, we became bigger. We arrived at a place. It was dark, there’s lightning, thunder and bolt almost everywhere. I felt worried but they said it was okay. It’ll be fine just like riding the rollercoaster. The intensity grew higher and at last, we came down, so hard and fast and it felt so refreshing.

            However, I didn’t have the luck. After the tough ride down to earth, I landed harshly on the concrete floor splitting my body to several tiny droplets. I wasn’t worried as I knew I would be one again soon. I looked up to the sky, waiting for the Sun to say hello so that I would rise up again.

            To my surprise, I saw something up there. It’s multicoloured and there’s no words to describe the beauty of it. I was stunned. I knew that it was the rainbow but this is my very first time to look up at it and appreciate its beauty like what I did that time. God’s creations were always more than perfect.

            Soon, I felt my body became lighter, again. I floated up to the sky. I was so happy that I could see the breath-taking view again. I thanked God for all his creation. I was delighted until I realised that something wasn’t complete here. The one that’s always completed me was not there by my side. I felt very bad. I hated myself for thinking about being a cloud. I felt so sad that I almost cried.

            I rose up higher and higher, more than the place that I used to gather with other water vapours like me. I got a little more higher and I opened my eyes. I could see Min by my side. She looked so peaceful in her sleep. Yes, she’s the one that I need. I didn’t need to be something else to be happy. I had her by my side and I just have to be me.

            I smiled to myself and looked out the window. Although the fog at dawn blocked my view, I could still see the clouds out there. I whispered to myself how thankful I am to God for creating me as a human being.

Farewell tears.

Farewell tears.

Kyuhyun’s Point of View.
            I’m a boy but yet I used to wonder, do boys cry too? I mean, of course boys cry, but do grown up boys cry too. As long as I remember, I never cried since I entered the elementary school until right now except that one time.

            The girl, she’s the girl from the next-door. Her name is Sungmin but most people in the neighbourhood or at school called her Ming or some cute names like ‘pink little bunny’ since she’s so cute, she loved pink and she looked like a bunny when she smiled. We grew up together but we never talked to each other, I tell you, never. Don’t ask me why because until this very day I never figured out the answer.

            We went to the same kindergarten. I liked seeing her walking to school every morning with her cute pigtails braids. She would also wear some cute accessories like pink hair bands, pink bows, pink hair clips, and pink hats and ugh, have I mentioned that they’re all in pink? Other than that, she also wore cute pink shoes and pink bags and her pencil box was pink too. I used to steal some glances at her and smiled like an insane little boy. She’s so adorable that she could always make everyone smile.

            At elementary school, we studied at the same school and also the same class. I guess I’m not that stupid since I managed to be in the same class with one of the most genius girls, her, in our hometown. There, I found out that she didn’t speak much but she really did has lots of laughter and smiles. Every day she went to school by bicycle. It’s dangerous for a girl to ride alone so my mother asked me to go to school by bicycle too. I was so thankful to my mother, because of her, I could totally see Ming’s adorable-early-morning face every day. Yet, we still didn’t talk to each other.

            On a Valentine’s Day when we were in middle high school, I received a box of chocolate with a card from her. I was hesitant at first. I thought that maybe that was only a prank from my friends who knew that I got some of ‘sort-of-like-that’ feeling to her. However, it was really her who gave me that chocolate. I was on cloud nine, thinking that she’s liking me until I found out that she gave all her classmates a box of chocolate each and that makes me fell from the clouds directly downwards and landed harshly on my butt, leaving a crack on my heart.

            In high school, almost all my friends were in relationship but not me and her. I never felt jealous of them since I knew that those kinds of relationships won’t last long. However, I was 100% sick of myself for not having the courage to tell her the truth about my feelings or at least having a conversation with her before that teenage-world of us come to an end.

            Moreover, the thing that really made me wanted to give a full box filled with varieties of curse words as a present to myself was that I asked her to prom. Don’t give an applaud to me yet for doing that because there’s always a ‘but’ in my story. But, I didn’t asked her, I mean by mouth, I just left a note in her desk. In addition of that, another negative point was we didn’t speak at all during the prom night. And I didn’t have a slight courage to start a conversation with that beautiful girl in front of me. Maybe I was just too nervous or it could be that I was completely mesmerized with her beauty that shines the best among all the girls there that night. Truthfully, she was the most dazzling and fascinating and fantastic girl I’ve ever seen.

            One day, it was raining hard. I was listening to songs while thinking what she was possibly doing right now. It had been almost 6 months since I last met her. She’s just next door but I never bumped onto her since that prom night. Honestly, I missed to see that adorable face so much that I often made myself stay outside to see if she ever went out to play or to take some fresh air. But she didn’t come out. Not once.

            Suddenly someone knocked the door and it’s my mother with Mrs. Lee. Wait, what in the world was Mrs. Lee doing in front of my room. They both didn’t look good, well, very not good in my eyes. I could see Mrs. Lee’s swollen eyes and my mom’s eyes were also blurred with tears. Mrs. Lee held out a note to me. A short note on a pink paper folded nicely forming the shape of a bunny. I read it and before I knew it, I was completely drowned in my tears. It said;

                                    Hello, my love.


 Yes, that’s the first time I cried as a grown up boy. I didn’t really knew the meaning of the notes at first but I just can’t stop myself from crying. They told me that she’s dying. It’s been six months for her laying on the hospital bed. All this time, she had been diagnosed with cancer. I spent the whole rainy day crying my heart out that it felt like my eyes and my heart had melted along with the tears.

            It had been a week since I got the news. In that one week, I visited Sungmin every single day at the hospital. I felt like crying when I saw her suffering but I got no more tears to do so. The doctor told them something. Her family asked me a favour. I nodded persistently. She had gone through this for so long that I’m sure I can’t take it that she’s enduring that much of pain for much more longer. She have had enough of all this.

            That day, I walked into the room. I could see my parents with my little brother along with Mr. and Mrs. Lee by her bed. They all looked at me with the ‘are-you-alright?’ look. Mr. Lee then held my hand and told me that it’s okay if I don’t want to do this but I told him that I could. I slowly grab her hands and stroke her cheek. I almost cried when I see her face. Those adorable squishy cheeks were not there anymore and those sparkling eyes weren’t looking at me anymore. What’s left was just a pale and thin face of hers.

            I pulled off the oxygen mask on her face and placed a kiss on her forehead. It’s cold. I looked at them and they nodded at me. The doctor showed me the button and told me to be strong. I didn’t want to see her in pain anymore. I had to do this. I pressed the button and then, all the machines that connected to her along with Ming herself were turned off completely. And she was gone. It was dead silent in the room but I could still hear my mom and Mrs. Lee trying to hold in their sobs. It hurt me so much to know that I could not see those cute bunny smiles of hers anymore. My heart felt like it was going to explode into tiny pieces and my eyes hurts so much but I held my tears inside. Even if I cried enough to fill in the ocean, it still can’t make her comeback to live healthily. I tried to accept the fact that she’s not here anymore.

            However, that proves to me that boys also cry. Even if the tears weren’t there, if it’s hurt, boys do cry...in their heart. If boys don’t cry, at least, me, Cho Kyuhyun knows that I do cry.

28 July 2011

Section A : Guided Writing.

Tips to Overcome Examination Stress.

          Assalamualaikum and a very pleasant morning to the chair person, honorable judges, accurate time keeper, fellow competitors, teachers and members of the floor. Ladies and gentlemen, please lend me your ears and attention for a while today as I'm going to give a talk on "Tips to overcome Examination Stress". Students tend to get into depression when the examination is just around the corner. Well, most of them. Sometimes, we're stressed although we don't realise about it. The stress comes from all sides including from parents, teachers, friends and even the principal. Here are some ways to overcome those pressure and stress.

Members of the floor,
          First and foremost, make weekly planners that will help you to divide your time accurately. This way, you can use those precious time sufficiently without having to waste them. Instead of jotting down long notes and tips, try to do mind maps. It will help to increase your understanding about the subject you're studying. It will also help you to save time when you're studying. You can always refer back to those small mind maps while doing anything like when you're relaxing or playing with your siblings. Other than that, you should also avoid unnecessary activities like playing video games or wasting your time not doing anything. It will be a huge  waste of your precious time that you can use to revise your study.

To be continued

22 July 2011



          She's tired of crying and being ignored. She had made her decision to just forget about him. There's no way things would go according to what she hoped for. Well, forgetting him, there's nothing to waste but time. She had wasted her time on the person that never cared to make her smile.

          She tried to enjoy her life and that made her realise that there's always somebody by her side. The one that always make her smile and laugh like crazy. The one that she's afraid to lose. Yes, that very good mate of hers. ;) Everything thanks to her best friends who had helped her to open her eyes to see. LOL. xD

          And now she is smiling. :) No more tears. Well, sometimes you don't have to look too far. Maybe your happiness is just right next door! Who knows? Allah knows. ;)

p/s ; well, he gave me this song. xD

2 July 2011

Hey MR. F! HAHA.

Hey MR. F! HAHA.

video cr to; kpopsubs

          Once upon a time, boy Ed went to a camp with girl Ai. Then she fell in like with boy Ed. She tells everything to her friend, girl Aq. Girl Aq always comforted her. 

         Girl Ai has a good friend. The good friend is one of girl Aq's best friends. That good friend is boy Ab. He's a good friend eventhough sometimes he's not cool at all. But girl Ai likes being his friend. Boy Ab has the same personality like girl Aq. Almost like twins. They once called themselves twins anyway. Both of them are younger than girl Ai. So, she calls them her little twins. To be exact, boy Ab as 'adik kicik' and girl Aq as 'baby kicik'.

          Boy Ab and boy Ed once were not in good terms. But now, they're good to each other. They're friends. They make up because boy Ed helped boy Ab with something. Herrrm, rule bender? They're pros in the industry. LOL.

          One day, boy Ed knows about girl Ai liking him after asking her. They both feel awkward but still being friends. She managed to grab herself and snap the feelings off with the help of girl Aq.

          Boy Ab is so caring and being overprotective towards girl Aq. Girl Ai can sense something and she can't help but asking him about it. And she got the answer. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Boy Ab likes girl Aq. Girl Aq sort of likes him back. But who knows. We never knew.

          Now, boy Ed no longer texting girl Ai anymore. Just because, i don't know why.


11 June 2011

I'm Living in Fiction.

I'm Living in Fiction.

video cr to ; kpopsubs

          The video I placed in all of my entries HAVE THINGS TO DO with the entry itself. So, please listen or read the subtitle on the vid. Because it'll give you a better understanding of the situation. xD

          (a/n ; please read this the way Anwar Hadi speaks. :)) Assalamualaikum... Well Hello there world! As you might be able to see in the recent posts, I just indulged myself in a really really confusing situation. *Okay, kecewa sebenarnya.* (a/n ; done with the Anwar Hadi way of speaking)

          Haha. All right. I'm so lame. This is not even an entry actually. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. *bows* Thank you. :)

6 June 2011

Like Crazy.

Like Crazy.

video cr to ; 
(a/n ; these boys are such great actors. I feel like crying watching them cry. xD)

          Finally, she had the guts to confess. With her heart pounding like crazy that her chest felt like bursting, she waited for an answer. An answer that she knew would break her heart. But she never cared. Instead, she kept praying and hoping that the answer would bring a smile to her face and also her heart. *tic* *toc* *tic* *toc* The clock kept ticking. And her heart kept pounding. She couldn't wait any longer. She could feel all the organs in her alimentary canal shrinking and squeezing. Starting from the esophagus down to her small intestines. She knew if something went wrong, she'll immediately burst into tears. Because that's how she is usually; so fragile and flimsy even though she looks quite strong.

          The next thing she knew, he replied her text by asking the reason. What could be her answer? There's a  million reasons for liking him that she can't even translate into words. She had no reason to give him. Then he kept asking about things. Continuously throwing questions. And she patiently answered them all. God knows how hurt she was at the moment. God knows how hard she's trying to control her feelings at that moment. Because she knew, the questions he's giving indicate that he didn't have the same feelings as she does. She tried to be strong. Her tears didn't fall.

          She didn't want to be a burden to him. So she asked him to forget about those things she told him. She asked him to forget. Yes, with the bleeding heart, reluctantly asking him to forget. So that their siblings-like relationship would return to normal. So that he won't feel awkward around her. So that he could still call her 'sis' like always. And so that he'll still love her as a sister like he always did. 

          He said he regretted for asking her the question. The question that lead them to a heart-to-heart discussion like this. He regretted asking her whether she likes him or not. Because the answers made him uncomfortable and also the answers had break her heart. And in the end, she couldn't hold it any longer. Tears had fallen. And she cried. Alone without him.

a/n ; it took me almost two hours to complete this not-so-long entry.

21 May 2011

Good Day.

Good Day.

video cr to ; kpopsubs

          It's such a good day. But not so good for this girl. She's liking that boy so much that she could even die. Well, maybe it's just a teenage crush. But that kind of crush are always the ones that crushes the heart.

          Thinking whether she should just confess or not, she got confused. She knew there're always consequences to everything that she'll do. But she can't help it since she's really really 'in-like'. Somebody gotta help her fast. 

          Finally, she confessed her heart out. However, that action had broken her heart into pieces. She had took the wrong step. The boy didn't like her back. He didn't accept her heart. Ouh, fail. And as a little girl, that hurts her really much.

Tears fill my eyes so I look up.
I smile slightly so they won't fall down.
Why are you like this to me?
What are you saying?
Everything that i said today..towards the sky.
Words I couldn't say again,
Words I didn't know I'd say as I cried,
I like you oppa,
What can I do?

          Being rejected had made her heart bleed. But what hurts more is his reaction towards her confession. It's okay if he won't accept. But it's not okay when he started throwing assumptions and questions.

Don't look at me like this and say those sad words
That I'm immature, that I'm dull,
I can't believe it.

         He should've walked away nicely instead of hurting her more. He should've understand. He shouldn't have made her cry.

My tears are flowing but I smile brightly.
I stand in front of you and just laugh loudly.
Why am I like this? Don't I have any shame?
I fold my pride and send it towards the sky.
Words I couldn't say again,
Those words I won't be able to say again,
I like you oppa,
What can I do?

          She's deeply scarred. She's crying so hard but still, she's smiling brightly like she always do. She even laughed loudly. Poor her. Trying to hide her feelings but her tears aren't helping her. And at that moment, she knew that it would be the first and the last time that she could say those words to him. How she wish it would've been better since the day is so good. Such a good day...

20 May 2011



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          Just a short entry from me. Yes, the title is pretty. No, I'm not saying that I'm pretty. Well, kind of. LOL. So lame. xD

          So, this past 3 weeks, so many things happen to my face. O.O Why so many? God, why?! *teary eyes*. Okay, so not dramatic. SO like, the first and second week, surprisingly, there's no acne or pimple or zits or 'pemanis muka' whatsoever you call it on my face. Very surprising right?! So, I was quite happy. And happy and happy. xD And tried to erase the existing polka-dot-like scars on my face. 

          Well, before it could work, we faced an exam. The mid-year exam. I wasn't really stressed out. But guessed what? Something really cute and 'pretty' started to grow on my face. Mommy!!! Nooo!!! Please let me enjoy this time of life where my face is clear. But yeah, God knows everything best and so, pimples started to appear again. Until this day, the pimple really do love me. (T.T).

17 May 2011

English Debate.

English Debate.

          Tehee! Been so busy with school and exam, didn't even have time to write to you. (a/n ; lol, sounds so weird). Soooooooooooooooooo, like, last two weeks, we participated in the English Parliamentary Style Debate. Woohoo!~ *confetti toss*. A quite great 'achievement' in my life. LOL. (a/n; soooo not...). Wanna hear the story? You don't want to? I don't care, I'm still gonna write it anyway. xD

          I'm actually quite lazy to write this. But yeah, let's just continue. So, we were the chosen ones to participate in the English Parliamentary Style Debate the District level. We weren't fully prepared as the teacher said that we're going there JUST, ONLY to have FUN. So, yeah, there we went, having 'fun'.

          In the first round, it was SMBM vs SMKM, yes, SMK Muhibbah. I didn't feel really nervous at that time actually. Well, of course, there's a little bit of small butterflies in my tummy but not like 'dead nervous'. And my confidence level was high even though we didn't have our 'trump cards' at that moment. Who's the trump card? I'll reveal them to you later. So, on the first round, we were on the Government side and did really well with Aqilla as the PM, me as the Deputy and Kak Syahmi or Kak Amy as Abang Sofwan called her, as the third minister. We we're fairly confident as we're quite prepared for the motion which was, 'Reading fiction is more enjoyable than watching films'. We gave them all we had. Confidently throwing POIs and confidently answering all the POIs given to us. We were having fun actually. And We also did a great job rebutting their points and highlighting their flaws along the debate. Not to be hateful, we were just enjoying ourselves there. And me, as clumsy as I am, made a few laughable mistakes there.Well, it's my first experience remember? No need to blame me. lol. And so, we won the first round. With that, we have to go the next round, which was the quarter final round.

          And we, being not prepared for the next motion, had to immediately go to the next round. So like, WTF?! Why aren't we prepared? It's because our teacher said that we went there JUST, ONLY to have FUN. And starting from that, everyone got stressed. We tried to seek for help from almost everyone. And again, I was disappointed with my family. Well, let's just for get about that. We also looked for our 'secret cards' who were currently in the Malay Parliamentary Style Debate but found none. Luckily, the debate team that we beat earlier helped us by giving a few points for the PM. Really good people they are. :) Our teacher and the other team members asked me whether I wanna continue or just to back off just like some other teams who withdrew. Hey you people! Never step back before you even start okay~! So me, who had a lower self-confidence this time, along with the team, who had some trembling points, went to the debate hall. 

          While waiting with thumping hearts, suddenly, the superhero and the side kick came to the rescue! Oh yeah! *fireworks*. Such a bless and mercy from god. Me who were drowning with tears and fear earlier smiled so big and felt just like hugging those two live savers. xD Who are they? Introducing, *drumroll* the heroes of the day; *drumroll* Abang Salam and Kak Amalina! Woohooo!~ *big applause* They took the places as the PM and the third minister and Aqilla with Kak Syahmi be the fourth and fifth minister. With their presence, my confidence level immediately rose. I know, we could do this! So the round started. We were a little bit shaky at first but soon got our rhythm and started to improve. I did worse than the first round but I know it was pretty good. Our points weren't really concrete but the presence of Abang Salam, as the third speaker, brought everything back together in place and make our team fully secured to the maximum level. We didn't threw as much POIs but we accepted the POIs wisely. Kak Amalina kept laughing and Abang Salam kept saying 'If we lose, it's your fault' to me in a spooky way, as if they knew that we're going to win. And uh, our opponent was the team from STMAA. The obvious flaw from them was the use of personal informations and that had brought advantages to us. Whew! Thank God. And so, the motion, 'Parents play an important role in enhancing 1Malaysia vision' was accepted. 

          We head to the canteen and started to discuss things. At that time, the tension started to decrease. And everyone was trying to prepare for the next round. Abang Salam said to me that big girls do not cry. Then he made fun of me saying that I'm not a big girl, I'm a kid because I drank 'Dutch Lady Kid' chocolate milk.

          Then, we had to prepare for the next level which was the semi-final level. This time, our opponent was quite strong, the SMKRPK and we're the opposition team. God, do help us. This time, me and Abang Salam was confident enough but Kak Amalina wasn't in a good state of health. And her emotion and motivation was totally down. Aqilla was proposed to replace her but she refused. The motion was pretty hard and again, we weren't prepared. I really think that or biggest mistake that day was we were not prepared. And so, we, who were not prepared, walked into the hall with just hope as our backbone. The thing that made it worse was, I didn't even understand the 'inclination' of the motion, 'Nationalism should be made compulsory in our education system' and how could I oppose in this state? However, we got started and we did bad. Well, at least I did really bad. The government and the opposition team didn't even understand what each of us trying to imply. And that's the worst case scenario. We were clueless. Abang Salam, as always, tried to bring everything back on the track but failed. Even worse, we were attacked back by the Government team using the points and examples given by Abang Salam. We were dead meat. And yes, we lose.

          However, it was a quite impressive achievement for newbies like us, well except Abang Salam, to go this far on the first try. Come one, it's the semi-final. Can you just snatch any kid in the school and send them to the competition to go this far? I don't think so. Okay. *sorry*. And so, we were determined to go further next year and InsyaAllah, we won't make the same mistake. 2012, wait for us, we're NOT JUST going to have FUN. To the future!! Okay, so lame. Sorry. Thank you for reading. :)