I write things. Anything that I like and whatever I want. And I post them here. ;) Please please please don't be a silent reader. xD

16 April 2011

Very Likable.

Very Likable.

          Likable means easy to like and very pleasing. Yes. That's my point today. A very likable thing or person is those that can make you feel happy just by listening about it. A very pleasant feeling when you think about it. And a very flowery sensation comes to your mind when you see it. Oh My God! I sounded lame. Shoot me now~!

          As a teenage, I really thing the hormone change in my body resulted this situation I'm in right now. It's very easy for me to like something now. And my mood changes rapidly almost every moment. I got happy easily and cry easily too. I go all glee and giddy when I see the favorable thing or likable person. I swear, it happens unintentionally. And it makes me look very weird now. 

          Anyways, I think I'm very cute. I'm gonna be like this for a while now. So please. Please. Please. I beg you. Please bear with me for a little while. Thank you. I love you!

video cr to ;  

p/s ; how good can a woman feel when someone sings this song for her? That special someone would be very likable in her eyes.
p/p/s ; It's like a very pointless update from me. But, cheers~!

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