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4 April 2011

Rain ; a blessing from God.

Rain ; a blessing from God.

          According to what I learn in school, particularly in the subjects Science and Islamic Education, rain is a part of the water cycle that's arranged by our merciful God; Allah, to bring peace and to provide facilities for His creatures on Earth. It moisten parched soil on Earth, it helps to water the crops, it cleans the air and environment and it also brings happiness. So, in short, rain is such a priceless blessings from God.

          For me, the person named Rain, is also a mercy from God. It might not seem right but I'll explain. I'm enlightened to write about this after reading an update from the beloved heartthrob, JiHoon in his twitter account

          He changed his profile picture and uploaded a picture of a 16-year-old Rain. Very adorable. Along with the picture, he wrote about how he came across that old picture of him. He was cleaning his room and stumbled upon that picture of him with a friend. And the caption that he wrote there with the picture is ‘I have nowhere else to go! Let’s try my best today.”.

          From my guessing, that was the picture from the time when he was in 'Fanclub'. From the caption, I'm pretty sure that he was having a hard time by then. This boy, his life is almost full of hardness, obstacles and difficulty. However, he never gives up. And because of his strong determination and spirit, I can know him now and love him like how I do right now.

          When I first knew Rain, it was on 2008. He was on a quite popular commercial with everyone immitating his line in that CF, "My name is Rain..". I swear, it sounded so much better in Malay, "Nama saya Rain.."! I searched for it everywhere but can't find the full commercial in Malay. For god's sake, this boy was paid $4million for this commercial. And yes, he didn't lie in that CF, he really loves black. After that my-name-is-rain-fever, something happened and I can't tell about it here. It's enough to say that after that 'something' happened, I felt some kind of emptiness in my soul (a/n ; blekh! get ready with your rifle gun, my people!) and I slowly learned about him to fill in the emptiness. And yes, I managed to get out of that darkness and emptiness. I swear, I was once 'emo-ish'. Thank god, learning about Rain pulled me out of that and didn't get me 'emo' enough to slit my own wrist. That was one of abundance reasons why I think that Rain is a blessing from god.

         Learning about Rain, I learned about about his passion, his strong will and also about those hard times he had to face at such a young age. He opened my eyes on how I should fair in my life. He taught me about ups and down. He didn't always do well, sometimes he tripped and stumbled but up to this time, he can always stand up right again because of the love and support from the people around him. Recently, he stumbled upon a quite big stone. He almost fall headlong with all the company shares problems, lawsuit and gambling but fortunately, he stand up again with the help of his loved ones. That had taught me to always appreciate people who loves me and never forget them even when I'm indulgence. 
         Yes, he is indeed a mercy and blessing from god. I thank god for letting me to know this amazing man. I hope he will always be as amazing as he could be.

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